03-05-2024 01:47 PM Jerusalem Timing

Hamas to Join PLO

Hamas to Join PLO

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, is to join the Fatah-dominated Palestine Liberation Organization.

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, is to join the Fatah-dominated Palestine Liberation Organization.

Palestinian Authority Chief, Mahmoud Abbas, held a meeting in Cairo Thursday with leaders from the factions, where a committee was formed to prepare for the inclusion of Hamas, as well as the Islamic Jihad movement, in the PLO.

Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal joined the committee that will prepare for elections to the PLO leadership.
“The reconciliation has taken off. It might take time, but we have started,” said Azzam al-Ahmed, a top Fatah negotiator, after the talks in Cairo.

One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Hamas's Meshaal had told Abbas that his group was "in favor of peaceful resistance and a truce in Gaza and the West Bank at this stage."

The election would clear the way for Hamas to become a full member of the body and gain an important voice in its decision making.