01-06-2024 03:42 PM Jerusalem Timing

Our Great Martyrs...Hallmark of Victory: Mohammad Hijazi (Video)

Our Great Martyrs...Hallmark of Victory: Mohammad Hijazi (Video)

Zionist brutality is a reason enough for one to choose the path of Jihad…

Martyr Mohammad Khalil Hijazi

Mohammad Khalil Hijazi was born on the 18th of June, 1987, in the Holy month of Ramadan in the Southern village of Aitaroun.

He was the first child in a conservative family that was also religiously committed, and lived under the occupation, witnessing on daily bases the fierce Zionist crimes against humanity.

Mohammad completed the intermediate level after having changed several schools due to the Israeli occupation and his family’s constant relocation, and then studied electricity at a technical school.

After the liberation, Mohammad joined the Al-Mahdi Scouts, which tough him to become more religious and determined.

In 2002, when he was only 17 years old, Mohammad quit studying to devote himself to Jihad, especially after becoming more aware of the Zionist brutality. He underwent various military courses that made him capable of engaging in armed battles.

In the Battlefield:

When the war broke out on the 1st of July, Mohammad packed his luggage, sat with his family and his fiancée for around 10 minutes and bid them farewell, and took off to the battlefield.

On the 6th day of war, Mohammad talked to his mother over the phone, and his mother encouraged him, greeted him for his work, and asked him to keep the Zionists out of their land. The Martyr promised her of victory.

On the 3rd of August, and while the martyr was fulfilling his duty in Aitaroun, he was sniped by Zionist soldiers who where residing in one of the homes in the region. He was shot in the head and was instantly martyred.

The resistance fighters couldn’t pull his body out of the field instantly, and so he stayed there for around 15 days, and after the war was over, his body was moved out and buried in his village.