02-06-2024 08:21 AM Jerusalem Timing

Iran Dares Israeli Attack: We Wish They’d Commit Such Mistake

Iran Dares Israeli Attack: We Wish They’d Commit Such Mistake

"Our ballistic (missile) capacity never ceases to grow"

Iran dares Israel to attack, because the retaliation would send the Jewish state to "the dustbin of history," a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said, according to the Fars news agency Monday.
"Our greatest wish is that they commit such a mistake," the chief of the Guards' Aerospatiale division, Amir-Ali Hadjizadeh, was quoted as saying. "For some time there has been a hidden energy we hope to expend to consign the enemies of Islam forever to the dustbin of history," he said. "Our ballistic (missile) capacity never ceases to grow," he added.
These comments came as Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak refused to rule out speculations about a military strike on Iran's nuclear sites, again insisting that the "time has come" to deal with Iran.

“I don't think that that is a subject for public discussion. But I can tell you that the (International Atomic Energy Agency) IAEA report has a sobering impact on many in the world, leaders as well as the publics, and people understand that the time has come,” Barak claimed in an interview with CNN on Sunday without being questioned about Tel Aviv's reported possession of nuclear warheads.

Barak's remarks were described by Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi as futile attempts to wage a psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.

The US and Israeli threats stem from their weakness and incapability and they sound more like psychological operations, Vahidi said on Sunday.