01-06-2024 11:45 PM Jerusalem Timing

Yemeni Military Operations Kill 55 Coalition Troops, Destroy Vehicles in Marib

Yemeni Military Operations Kill 55 Coalition Troops, Destroy Vehicles in Marib

A source in the Yemeni military confirmed that at least 55 troops and mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression on the country were killed or wounded in the major operations launched by the national military in the province of Marib.

Yemeni armyA source in the Yemeni military confirmed that at least 55 troops and mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression on the country were killed or wounded in the major operations launched by the national military in the province of Marib.

The military source said that eight military vehicles and 5 armored others of the Saudi-led coalition were destroyed in the vicinity Al-Balaq, That Al-Ra' and Marbat Al-Dam in Marib during the past few hours.

Another Saudi military vehicle has also been destroyed and crew killed in a mortar shelling by the Yemeni army and the Popular Committees that targeted Al-Jihad center near the site of Al-Radif in Jizan, south west of Saudi Arabia.

A Saudi-led coalition force has been striking Yemen for 190 days now to restore power to fugitive President Abed-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 6,433 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.