01-06-2024 11:33 AM Jerusalem Timing

Yemeni Army, Popular Committees Capture 11 of Qaeda Terrorists in Lahj

Yemeni Army, Popular Committees Capture 11 of Qaeda Terrorists in Lahj

The Yemeni army and popular committees managed on Monday to capture 11 of Qaeda terrorists who were attempting to advance towards al-Husseini area in Lahj province.

Yemeni ArmyThe Yemeni army and popular committees managed on Monday to capture 11 of Qaeda terrorists who were attempting to advance towards al-Husseini area in Lahj province.

In this context, the Yemeni army and popular committees repelled a major attack launched by Qaeda terrorists on al-Aaned military base in lahj, killing scores of them.

The Saudi warplanes continued striking the various Yemeni provinces, causing much losses.

Yemen has been since March 26 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition. Thousands have been martyred and injured in the attack, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to fugitive Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.

However, Yemeni army, backed by popular committees and tribal fighter has been responding to the aggression by targeting several Saudi border military posts and cleansing several areas across the country, especially the country’s south, from Hadi and al-Qaeda-linked militias.