02-06-2024 02:37 AM Jerusalem Timing

Terrorists Kill 14 Civilians in Syria’s Aleppo

Terrorists Kill 14 Civilians in Syria’s Aleppo

The terrorist groups in Syria’s Aleppo launched a rocketry attack onto several residential areas, killing 14 civilians.

AttackThe terrorist groups in Syria's Aleppo launched a rocketry attack onto several residential areas, killing 14 civilians.

The Health Department of Aleppo told SANA that the attacks, which took place earlier today, also left around 60 others injured, most of them are children and women.

Some of the injured are in critical condition, the Department’s director Mohammad Hazouri said.

Police reports earlier said rockets fired by terrorists positioned in Bani Zain neighborhood fell in the safe residential neighborhoods of al-Ashrafiyeh, al-Midan, al-Khaldiyeh, al-Sabil, al-Serian and al-Jaberiyeh.

Material damage was also caused to many houses, shops and cars.

Saudi-backed Takfiri terrorists, particularly those affiliated to the so-called “Badr Martyrs Brigade”, take from Bani Zaid neighborhood as a base from which they launch daily attacks on other neighborhoods.

A similar attack took place two days ago, in which 7 civilians were killed as rockets hit the central park of the city.