02-06-2024 07:43 AM Jerusalem Timing

Sheikh Qassem in Tehran: ISIL Reached Its Maximum, Started to Back off

Sheikh Qassem in Tehran: ISIL Reached Its Maximum, Started to Back off

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem asserted on Tuesday that the resistance forces, including Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Palestinian as well as the Iraqi resistance, are coherent and cooperative.

Sheikh QassemHezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem asserted Tuesday in Tehran that the resistance forces, including Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Palestinian as well as the Iraqi resistance, are coherent and cooperative.

Attending the Islamic Scholars' conference to support the Palestinian resistance, Sheikh Qassem noted that resistance is change and the traditional powers cope with it, adding that that what happened with Hezbollah resistance who not only liberated the land but also altered the formula.

His eminence pointed out that Lebanon is no longer an area for resettlement or Israeli investment, adding that the Zionist plot in the region has been encountered and frustrated.

"The Zionist entity has become unable to frighten the Islamic nation and to demarcate its borders."

Sheikh Qassem also underscored that importance of the Islamic unity in face of the takfiri threat.

In this regard, he considered that ISIL's scheme has reached its maximum level of terrorism and that now it is going to back off.

Sheikh Qassem stressed that preserving the role of the great Islam, the priority of the Palestinian cause, the resistance as a path to regain the rights, the leading position of Iran and the Islamic unity represents a framework for the future steps to back the Palestinian resistance.  

Translated by Al-Manar English Website