02-06-2024 09:24 PM Jerusalem Timing

Israelis Must Be Given Nobel Prize for Their “Unimaginable Restraint” in Gaza!

Israelis Must Be Given Nobel Prize for Their “Unimaginable Restraint” in Gaza!

The Zionist entity’s impudence knows no limits! As the death toll of the brutal Israeli offensive on the besieged strip of Gaza passes 630, with most of them children and women, Tel Aviv calls for giving it a Noble prize!

The Zionist entity’s impudence knows no limits! As the death toll of the brutal Israeli offensive on the besieged strip of Gaza passes 630, with most of them children and women, Tel Aviv calls for giving it a Noble prize!Israeli envoy to the United States Ron Dermer

The Nobel Peace Prize should be given to Israeli forces for their "unimaginable restraint" in their offensive against the blockaded Gaza Strip, said the Israeli envoy to the United States, Ron Dermer, at a pro-Israeli event in Washington on Tuesday.

The Israeli forces “should be given the Nobel Peace Prize... a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting with unimaginable restraint," Dermer said, claiming the Israeli soldiers do not “target a single Palestinian civilian.”

"Our soldiers are dying so that innocent Palestinians can live,” he said, censuring Human Rights Watch for its criticism of the Israeli aggression.

At a different event in Tal Aviv, UN chief Ban Ki-moon extended his condolences to the Israeli regime for its losses during the offensive against the besieged sliver.

According to Palestinian medical workers, more than 160 Gazan children have been among the martyrs.

Earlier in the day, Juliette Touma, a spokesperson for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), put child fatalities from the 15-day offensive at 121, adding that more than 900 Palestinian children were also injured.