01-06-2024 10:24 AM Jerusalem Timing

Sheikh Rouhani: Nuclear Rights, Uranium Enrichment ’Red Lines’

Sheikh Rouhani: Nuclear Rights, Uranium Enrichment ’Red Lines’

Iranian President Sheikh Hasan Rouhani said Sunday Iran will not abandon its nuclear rights, including the uranium enrichment.

Iranian President Sheikh Hasan RouhaniIranian President Sheikh Hasan Rouhani said Sunday Iran will not abandon its nuclear rights, including the uranium enrichment, Iranian media outlets reported.

"The rights of the Iranian nation and our national interests are a red line. So are nuclear rights under the framework of international regulations, which include enrichment on Iranian soil," Rouhani told the Iranian parliament.

His remarks came a day after intensive negotiations with world powers -- despite making progress -- failed so far to produce a long-elusive deal in exchange for sanctions relief.

"If we want to succeed in these negotiations, we need the support of the supreme leader (Grand Ayatollah Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei) and of lawmakers," he told them.

Rouhani said Iran would "not bow to threats from any power", while also insisting that sanctions battering Iran's ailing economy had not forced it to the negotiating table.

"We have practically and verbally told the negotiating sides that threats, sanctions, humiliation and discrimination will never produce a result," he said.

The Iranian President also indicated that successful nuclear talks will enhance security and stability in the region and the world, underlying that that without Iranˈs presence at regional and international arenas, problems would not be properly solved or will be costly resolved.

The Iranian parliament (Majlis) has been held on Sunday to give confidence Sheikh Rouhani's proposed minister for the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs.